Commissions Can be done Digitally or Traditionally

All of the items below can be done digitally or traditionally! With a traditional commission, you will have the option of receiving your picture in the mail (for a small fee).  Traditional mediums I work with are Watercolors, colored pencils, markers, acrylics, etc. You can ask for any of the commissions below to be done traditionally.
All Orders Must Be Payed Through PayPal!

Character Designs: $3.00 

 Character designs.
Add $1.50 for every additional character.

Lineart: $5.00

Lineart done in MS Paint or Photoshop.
Cannot add additional characters.

Flat Pixel Image: $7.00

Flat pixel image of your character. Transparent or solid color background.
$4.00 for every extra character.

Shaded Pixel Image: $10.00

Well shaded pixel image with a transparent background.
Add an extra character for $5.00

Flat / Shaded Transparent Background Image:

$10.00 for a flat transparent Background image.
$$15.00 for a shaded transparent backgroung image.
An image like below if shaded. With no shading, it will be flat colored. 
$2.00 for additional characters.

Simple Background Image: $12.00

A well shaded image with a simple textured background.
Additional characters are $6.00

Detailed Image: $20.00

A drawing of your character with a fairly detailed background of your choice and detailed shading. 
Add an additional Character for $10.00

Have other ideas?

I am totally open to any other ideas you have! If it isn't listed here, I am sure we can work it out. Email me, and we can strike a deal!