Q. What kind of payments will you accept?
A. I will only accept payments through PayPal. I will give you my PayPal account when you e-mail me with your order.

Q. What can / will you draw?
A. I will draw canines, felines, anthro, humans, and dragons. Any other animals are questionable. I will always try my best with whatever animal you throw at me.

Q. Can I haggle prices?
A. Preferably not. I think the prices listed are quite reasonable.

Q. Do you take point commissions?
A. No. I don't take point commissions.

Q. Can I get my commission done traditionally?
A. Of course! Just specify in your email that you would like it done with traditional media.

Q. Are the items you have listed the only things you will do for commissions?

A. Of course not! If you have an interest in purchasing a badge, bookmark, icon, or whatever else you could possibly imagine in your little mind,  we can work it out. Just E-mail me!

Q. How long will my commission take?
A. Anywhere from 1 Day to 3 Weeks. Depends on how long my commission list is. You can always check to see who is next in line on the "Waiting List" page. From there, you can take an educated guess to the approximate time when your commission will be done. If you feel the urge to remind me, please hold off for at least a week after your order.  

Q. Can I get a speed-paint of my commission? 
A. You can, but I will charge you an extra $5.00 due to the time to edit the video's and such.

Q. What do you use when you draw?
A. Digitally: Bamboo Pen Tablet, Adobe Photoshop Elements 7, Freeze Screen (for screen capture), & Windows Live movie maker. Traditionally: Paper, pencil, pen, watercolor, acrylic, marker, colored pencil.

Have other questions? E-mail Me! 
[email protected]